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GLORIA North America

In 2004, CIRMOUNT established GLORIA in North American, sponsoring the establishment of the first target region in the White Mountains of California. Since then, 32 target regions of approximately 120 peaks have been created in North America. GLORIA Great Basin manages 29 peaks in the 8 target regions of California and Nevada, including that first White Mountain target region.

NA Target regions.gif

United States



Brooks Range Central/Atigun Syncline (US-BRC)

Selawik Wildlife Refuge (US-SEL)

Blackerby Ridge, Juneau (US-BAR)



White Mtns, non-carbonates (US-WIM)

White Mtns, carbonates (US-WDS)

Dunderberg Peaks, Sierra Nevada (US-SND)

Carson Range/Tahoe Basin, Sierra Nevada (US-CAT)

Mt Langley, Sierra Nevada (US-LAN)

Sweetwater Mtns (US-SWE)

Death Valley National Park (US-DEV)



Great Sand Dunes National Park, Rocky Mtns (US-GSD)

Rocky Mountain National Park, Rocky Mtns (US-RMN)

San Juan Mtns, Rocky Mtns (US-SJM)

Niwot Ridge, Rocky Mtns (US-CNR)

Ruby Range, Rocky Mtns (US-RUB)

Mosquito Range (US-MOS)



Lemhi Range, Rocky Mtns (US-LEM)



Glacier National Park, Rocky Mtns (US-GNP)

Pioneer and Pintlar Range, Rocky Mtns (US-PIO)


Great Basin National Park (US-GRB)


New Hampshire

White Mountains (US-WHM)


New Mexico

Pecos Wilderness (US-PEK)



Wallowa Mountains (US-WAM)



Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness, Rocky Mtns (US-ABT)

Yellowstone National Park (US-YNP)



British Columbia

Canadian Coast Range (CA-CCR)

Vancouver Island (CA-VAN)

Atlin, Lina, and Johnson Ranges, Northern Interior Mtns (CA-ALJ)

Cariboo Mountains (CA-CAR)

Mt Revelstoke National Park, Selkirk Mountains (CA-REV)



Monts Chic-Chocs (CA-CIC)

Monts Groulx (CA-GRO)

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