Great Basin
GLORIA Great Basin Peak Opportunity Fellowships

GLORIA Great Basin surveys have long been an amazing opportunity for students and recent graduates to gain invaluable field experience in botany and field ecology while making connections with their peers and professionals in non-profits, academia, and in state and federal agencies. However, GLORIA Great Basin also recognizes that there are marginalized groups that face barriers which exclude them from research opportunities, especially for opportunities in remote mountains that pose unique challenges with required transportation, field gear, and time. Through our new Peak Opportunity Fellowships, GLORIA Great Basin will fully support 1-3 students (upper-division undergraduate or graduate students) to join us on the White Mountains survey this summer. We will provide the successful applicants with transportation, field gear, room and board, and wages , and mentorship (e.g., facilitating networking, providing guidance on job applications, etc.) both leading up to and following the field campaign.
The 2024 Peak Opportunities Fellowship is now closed! We hope to have funds to continue this program in 2025.
2024 Peak Opportunities Fellowship Cohort

The second cohort of Peak Opportunities Fellows included Shay Hankla, Adam Manager, Malia Reiss, and Blake Bass (left to right).
2023 Peak Opportunities Fellowship Cohort

The first cohort of Peak Opportunities Fellows included Marife Minaya (left), Diana Martinez (middle), and Selena Vengco (right).